Monday, June 22, 2009

Alcohol and Health

Drinking alcohol is a very popular hobby. Alcohol is involved in many social activities such as parties, ceremonies, etc. Some people have a more regular habit of alcohol consumption or even alcoholism. However, alcohol can have a lot of influence on our health and we must consider the impact carefully.

1) Alcohol and Cardiovascular Disease

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends no more than moderate consumption of alcohol daily. Moderate alcohol consumption is equivalent to 1 to 2 drinks per day for man and 1 drink per day for women. 1 drink is equal to 12 oz. of beer, 4 oz. of wine, 1.5 oz of 800-proof spirits or 1 oz of 100-proof spirits) Moderate consumption of alcohol may offer some protection to cardiovascular disease, however, AHA does not recommend the use of any form of alcohol to achieve such protection. Therapeutic lifestyle including adequate regular exercise, healthy diet and weight control are always the best measures to prevent cardiovascular disease.

2) Alcohol and Driving

Drink and drive is dangerous. Drivers will be prosecuted if their blood alcohol concentrations are more than the upper limited set by the law. Different countries have difference blood alcohol concentration limits. However, driving is a complicated activity that requires coordination of different skills and tasks. Alcohol can impair performance of certain skills and concentration, even if the blood alcohol concentration is below the limit. Therefore, no matter how little the driver drinks, drinking and driving is still very dangerous and accidents can happen.

3) Alcohol and Medicine

Concomitant use of alcohol and medicine together can enhance and prolong the drug effect. Alcohol may compete with the medicine for the metabolizing enzyme and impair the elimination of medicine. Therefore, the medicine can stay inside the blood stream for a longer time to exert more drug effect to the body. However, chronic alcohol consumption may reduce the drug effect and duration. It is because chronic alcohol use can activate the drug metabolizing enzyme and enhancing the drug elimination from the blood.

4) Alcohol and Pregnancy

Alcohol is harmful to the fetus at all stages of pregnancy and there is no single alcoholic drink which is safer than the others. Alcohol can cause the small baby hearing and visual impairment, various brain defects, etc. These defects are life long and irreversible. Ladies who plan to be pregnant should avoid alcohol even at the preconception stage. Lady with a habit of alcohol consumption should quit immediate once they are pregnant.

5) Alcohol and Sleep

Alcohol can initiate sleep by reducing the time required to fall asleep. Some people suffering from insomnia may drink at bedtime for better sleep. However, chronic alcohol consumption increases the time required to fall asleep, cause frequent awakening and reducing quality of sleep. Therefore, alcohol should never be the only agent used to initiate sleep.

The Last Note
Moderate consumption of alcohol is tolerable to our body. However, alcoholism can cause a lot of physical problems including high blood pressure, obesity, breast cancer and accidents. Alcohol also causes many social and family problems. There is evidence that consumption of alcohol at an early age increases the chance of alcoholism. Teenagers can develop alcohol dependencies more easily than adult. Therefore, sale of alcohol to teenagers must be strictly prohibited and parents should educate their children about the harmful effects of alcohol and alcoholism at an early age.
Author: Dr Kenny Kam Leung TANG,
MBBS, Family Phycician, Canossa Hospital, Hong Kong
Copyright of this article belongs to
Photo copyright: Healthwise, inc.